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Cloud but how


Nowadays, you may encounter the term ‘cloud’ more frequently and in more areas in information technology. So much so that one has the feeling that the IT sector today is only about cloud news and its future application.    Several years ago, the IT sector was all about the development of virtualization technologies (software applications used to divide one physical server into multiple isolated virtual environments).This led to widespread use which enabled companies to reduce technology costs and provide access to companies of all sizes to rationalize their operations, and allocate computing power to when and where they need it. The bolder estimates of those times, which are now based on evidence, have come true. This technological breakthrough happens to be one of the most important factors that paved the way for the implementation of cost-effective cloud-based computing.   

The cloud

But what exactly is this cloud, what makes it private or public or even hybrid? It is difficult to give a simple answer to these questions. First, let’s approach it from one of the most exciting sides: running an application or service in a cloud, no user really cares – apart from the system operators – where application servers are physically placed. The bottom line is that it should be accessible and ‘serve’ at the appropriate level. This is the most important fact as user satisfaction is a key driving force of the world of information technology and – at the same time –it is the end product, as well. Cloud-based IT systems greatly contribute to this with their inherent scalability and operational security. 

As for where specific services should be available from – for us as individuals or for our company , the best answer is possibly from everywhere but it is even better if we can customize it to when and where. This is definitely an important requirement, which must be met in order for us to be able to perform our jobs even with our mobile tools, regardless of our location to enhance our ability to stay in touch. All this has by now become mandatory in the everyday life of private individuals, as well.   

As regards the cloud solutions, to be chosen from among the options, it depends on the current and future demand prognosis, and just as important the economic issue. It takes a serious investment to build and operate a private cloud, which is built and operated for the exclusive use of an organization. In these cases expectations are higher in terms of service levels as well as dedicated human resources. While a service running in a public cloud may already have some benefits such as geo-redundancy and other technical solutions capable of increasing availability to the extreme, these possibilities are mostly not solvable in a private cloud – at least not in a cost-effective way.   

However, in every IT system, there might be a need for local services, which provide some functions even if you're cut off from the outside world, that is, when connection is not provided with applications running in the cloud. Here, it is essential to note that the use of these technologies need a reliable network connection with its own backup solution – this is the umbilical cord of our entire IT system  

Hybrid cloud

With the above, we have arrived to the topic of the hybrid cloud, which is nothing more than linking the private and public services. Some elements of the infrastructure can run in-house(private cloud), some in both, while the main services in the public cloud. In this way, the IT system can be set up by taking into account all needs and economic issues in such a manner that even the existing system can be adapted step by step. In my opinion, this is not the immediate future, but rather the present – based on our own experience. In the longer term, we also expect that the hybrid solutions will dominate the trends, but while the focus is currently more on private clouds, in the future, there will be a shift of accelerating pace towards the public services.   

Experience in virtualized systems

It is precisely these processes that take place at Duna Electronika Ltd., during the last 16 years, currently in charge of technology system engineering services provided to our partners – in addition to our own IT system. In recent years, we have gained a lot of experience in designing and delivering a variety of virtualized systems. While operating these, we continuously make suggestions for the introduction of innovative technologies. Now our partners can benefit by operating their IT infrastructure in a cost-effective way at the highest level of availability.  (The author of the article is the Technical Solutions Manager at Duna Elektronika Ltd.)